Risk Management in Agiblocks: VaR – Value at Risk

Agiblocks is a one-stop CTRM software solution designed by trade professionals, for trade professionals. To simply and streamline your fixed routine, it focuses on all the aspects of the daily […]
Derivatives versus Options: what’s the difference?

Derivatives or financial derivatives are popular financial contracts that are used in risk management in any number of markets, as the underlying financial asset can be anything from bonds and […]
Commodity Risk Management and Price Risk: Using Agiblocks to Hedge Your Bets

Traders, sellers and buyers of commodities tend to focus on the Commodity Trade- or CT-part of CTRM solutions. That seems obvious enough, as Commodity Trade more astutely describes the day-to-day, […]
Hedging 101: hedging with agricultural options

Commodity traders – as well as most other traders – tend to be risk averse. That is to say, they prefer situations with low uncertainty over situations with high uncertainty. […]
ComRisk Event 2020

After running a successful CTW Online for the commodity trading community last May thanks to some state-of-the-art event networking technologies, the Commodities People team was confident the first all-digital ComRisk […]