Navigating the storm: Managing the top 5 risks in commodity trading

Commodity trading, with its lucrative potential for profits, also carries significant risks. Traders, investors, and institutions dabbling in commodities must be well-informed about the different risks involved and the strategies […]
Unleashing the potential of commodity trading with a CTRM system

In the rapidly evolving landscape of commodity trading, businesses are seeking ways to gain a competitive edge and optimize their operations. One tool that has gained significant traction is the […]
The importance of supply chain traceability in commodity management

In today’s global marketplace, where commodities play a vital role in various industries, ensuring transparency and traceability in supply chains has become increasingly crucial. Commodity management involves handling raw materials […]
Structured Commodity Financing: what you need to know

There are a number of ways a company can finance its business, either based on the current balance sheet or on the cash flow produced by the future transactions/utilization of […]
Agiboo teams up with Loqsea to add real-time risk management to Agiblocks

The ongoing development of Agiblocks throughout the years is as much reliant on our successful partnerships as it is on our internal R&D and innovations. As such, it seems just […]
Maximizing your ROI with CTRM software – specifically Agiblocks

Armed with the latest technologies, a vision for practical daily use based on decades of experience, and ever-improved capabilities from a functional, flexibility and a feature point of view – […]