Agiboo in CTRM podcast on opportunities and threats in 2023

You might have already heard of it, you might not have. At any rate, we’d love to tell you about a new podcast for the commodity trade industry, called CTRMRadio. […]
‘What drives the price of agricultural commodities?’

A major part of the news surrounding the commodities we consume is pricing. ‘The price of X is soaring’, ‘the market for Y takes a hit’. Indeed, it appears that […]
Six signs you’ve outgrown your current CTRM solution

At Agiboo, we have commodity trade in our hearts. Our key objective therefore has always been to make a trader’s daily endeavors more efficient – from drafting a contract, setting […]
ClearDox & Agiboo extend CTRM functionality of Agiblocks

Good news! We come to you today with yet another Agiboo partnership. As you well know, the ongoing development of Agiblocks throughout the years is as much reliant on our […]
Trends in commodity risk management technologies

At Agiboo, we love to keep up with trends and developments from the world of our exciting industry and beyond, which is what usually fuels our blogs as well. Today, […]
Digitalization is driving change in commodity management

We all know that not investing in the future and thereby missing the boat on any given innovative solution can end up costing money. We’ve spoken about that at length […]