Keep your eye on the deal, not on the risk
Modern day trading is not based on gut feeling but on the traders knowledge, experience and network. To make deliberate decisions a trader needs to have a clear vision about […]
Scipio starts the implementation of Agiblocks Commodity Trade and Risk management
Scipio based in Geneva is a trading company specializing in the physical movement of soft commodities (sugar, grains, rice and soya) within Sub-Saharan Africa. The company is a Category A […]
Daarnhouwer highly values the flexibility of Agiblocks – Case Study
Daarnhouwer is an established brand name in originating and supplying specialty cocoa, tree nuts and coffee and is the European market leader for specialty cacao. René Strik, Daarnhouwer’s Financial Director, emphasizes […]
“Agiblocks gives real value to sugar traders” – Case Study with Hottlet Sugar Trading
Hottlet Sugar Trading, a division of the Südzucker Group, is an international business specialist in sugar. Annualy more than 500.000 tons of sugar is traded. Historically, Hottlet Sugar Trading has […]
CTRM for Sugar – White Paper by Commodity Technology Advisory
Sugar is produced in more than 120 countries and global production is now more than 174 Million tons a year. Approximately 70% of this is produced from sugar cane, largely […]
CTRM integration intensity
Commodity trade and risk management acts in a constant changing world with multiple influence from outside the company where CTRM is used. Prices are changing, shipment information like actual arrivals […]