Investing in soft commodities with Agiblocks
Commodity trade is a highly complex process involving different aspects which all need to be managed properly in order to meet international requirements and more importantly increase profits. Agiblocks offers […]
15 interesting facts about grains
Did you know that grains are a great source of nutrients, from fibers and vitamins to minerals such as iron and magnesium? And that a healthy whole grains diet can […]
Agiblocks Specialized Commodities: a new series on Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa and Grains
Agiboo’s flagship software was launched over a decade ago and focused on the early adopter initiatives for cocoa, coffee and sugar. It offered specialized industry CTRM for these first commodities, […]
CTRM implementation: why Agiblocks is the way to go
Agiblocks is not just the next generation of CTRM systems, but a solution that truly meets all technical as well as business needs for anyone working in soft or agricultural […]
Agiboo & AgFlow unite to cut down data collection time for risk managers
We’ve been talking to the AgFlow team and have some exciting partnership news to share that will further improve the solutions both AgFlow and Agiboo offer to risk managers in […]