Purchase and sales allocation in Agiboo's CTRM Solution

Matching purchases and sales in a commodity trade and risk management solution has more to it than just finding the right quantity. Timing, location and quality are for example just a few criteria that have to be considered. These allocations or reservations require to be matched to accomplish deliveries, as a sale can be combined from multiple purchases and even be partial delivered out of inventory.

Agiblocks provides a unique way making convenient matches in the reservation block. The Reservation block is where Reservations are created. The left column displays products from Purchase Contracts that are available for Reservation. Products available to be reserved from Sales contracts will be displayed in the right column. Both columns have an option to display contracts available for Reservation by location (from Inventory or Floating to Storage or Destination). The full contract delivery number is also displayed in the Reservation screen. This better enables a user to specify which delivery of a contract is being reserved. The Reservations section displays a list of products currently allocated. By default, the most current Reservations are at the top of the list. The list can also be sorted by other column headers by selecting the up or down caret on a column header.

The user gets an immediate signal if there is a proper match. Unique about Agiblocks is that these matching criteria can be configured. Just another convenience to manage the complex logistics and deliveries in commodity trade.

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