Agiblocks Tutorials Are Here - Start Watching Now

At Agiboo, we know physical commodity contracts can be tricky. In fact, all aspects of CTRM solutions are by definition quite intricate, because they need to support a wealth of flexibility to keep up with the complex daily reality of commodity trade. In your everyday routine as a trader in agricultural and soft commodities, you are faced with long-term investments, multiple deliveries, optionality, premiums, quality differentials – the list goes on. In our Agiblocks tutorials, we would like to show you what you need to know when dealing with physical commodity contracts.

Agiboo video tutorials

Our Agiboo YouTube Channel offers a variety of videos ranging from cursory introductions of the Agiblocks product to more in-depth interviews, behind-the-scenes looks into the company and visits to international shows and events. Starting this November, you can find our brand-new series of Agiblocks tutorial videos there as well.

Our videos, or Agiboo Masterclasses, should tell future customers everything they need to know about how the product works. Moreover, it helps our current clients by providing a convenient and practical knowledge base to use as an instruction manual during implementation processes.

Commodity Knowledge Center

Commodity knowledge is essential to commodity trade, but also to successfully implement a CTRM solution. In our Commodity Knowledge Center you can find a host of links, articles and resources, but it’s also the place where will share all of our tutorial videos.

We imagine it might well be two years before each and every element of the full range of Agiblocks functionality has been addressed, but we’re not one to shy away from challenges. Those who are familiar with Agiboo’s mission know that we are all about delivering easy to use commodity trade and risk management solutions with focus on the soft- and agricultural industry. That ‘easy-to-use’ part includes extensive instructions, support and guidance to make sure you are provided with all the benefits Agiblocks has to offer. 

Agiblocks Masterclass: physical commodity contracts

As we’ve said in the intro, physical commodity contracts can be tricky. That’s why they are the topic of our first video, which you can check out below.

In the coming months, many new video tutorials will follow in an expansive series set to guide you through every aspect of Agiblocks. You will send find them in our YouTube Channel as well as in our Agiboo Commodity Knowledge Center. Next up: contract deliveries and pricing, price fixing and market risk hedge!

Do you want to know more? Request your free Agiblocks demo by clicking on the button below.

News stories and events
Agiblocks updates

The latest updates about our CTRM software Agiblocks.

Commodity complexity demands specialty CTRM – why general solutions fall short

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Position Management: best practices for commodity traders

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The true cost of outdated CTRM systems: why 2025 is the year to transform your trading operations

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