Global Grain Geneva 2020 (Now Virtual Only): Connecting 1000+ professionals from every major grain trading region online
In a grain industry experiencing a rapid pace of change, Global Grain Geneva stands to ready to deliver the most prestigious conference in the industry calendar. In the light of on-going travel restrictions, it’s become clear that the only way we can provide our delegates with a truly global event is to host Global Grain Geneva as an online-only event.
Join the largest European grain trading conference to discuss
- Overview of the volatile grain trading sector, with a discussion focusing on challenges and opportunities as identified by senior traders
- Review of the wheat, corn and soy harvests in the main grain-producing regions, to establish areas of deficit and surplus and inform trade dynamics.
- Outline of public sector initiatives for the digitalisation of the grain industry, to foster public-private dialogue on traceability and, ultimately, food safety and security.
- In-depth focus on the Black Sea markets and trade prospects 2020-2021
- Overview of the derivatives market and the status quo of existing and newly launched contracts, including a strong focus on the Brazilian soybean contract