Agiblocks Tutorial 1.4: Futures and Hedging Instruments - Agiboo

What are possible risks during a commodity trade, and can we do something about it? Yes, we can! In our Agiblocks tutorials, we show you all you need to know, presented in neat bite-sized video’s. You can find the full introduction to our series here. Today we would like to share our latest video, which is the fourth and final part in our series on dealing with physical commodity contracts.

Futures and Hedging instruments

This final installment in our sub-series on pricing and physical commodity contracts is an episode on the subject of hedging and price fixing in the context of commodity trade. Hedging has everything to do with protecting yourself against market price volatility of the commodity you buy or sell. We’ve recently spoken about it at length, which you can read here. However, protecting yourself against other risks can be just as important. Think about currency risk, for instance. Or any of the other market risks, such as quantity risk or speculative risk, and most importantly price risk – which we’ve discussed here. In this video, we of course focus on what it all means in Agiblocks. There are a number of hedging instruments available to help you protect yourself, one of the main ones being futures.

Interested in finding out more? Check out our newest video!

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