Agiblocks Tutorial 1.2: Deliveries and Pricing - Agiboo

In our Agiblocks tutorials, we would like to show you what you need to know when dealing with physical commodity contracts. You can read all about it here. Today we would like to share the latest addition in our video series: Agiblocks Tutorial 1.2 – Deliveries and Pricing.

Deliveries and Pricing

First off, the second installment in our fresh new batch of tutorials is not called episode 2, but rather episode 1.2. That’s because it’s the second part of the sub series focused on physical commodity contracts. We’ve covered the basics and some general properties of those contracts in episode 1.1 to get the ball rolling. In this follow-up tutorial we will focus on two items that make physical commodity contracts so unique and specific: deliveries and pricing mechanisms. We delve into the specifics of multiple deliveries and the handling of ‘priced’ (outright) versus ‘unpriced’ (to be fixed). 

It is very common that a purchase or sales contract has multiple deliveries. For instance, a deal covering 120 metric tons of cocoa beans can be split up into six deliveries of 20 metric tons, spread out over time. Each delivery can be priced differently, valued differently, and even be split again. Let’s go over it in tutorial 1.2!

Agiblocks Tutorials

Agiblocks CTRM provides a large number of detailed features and functions, in many cases specialized for a certain commodity or commodity group, in order to effectively streamline your daily procedures. It is specifically designed to handle these types of contracts, thanks to its flexible quality properties. Our videos, or Agiboo Masterclasses, should tell future customers everything they need to know about how the product works. Moreover, it helps our current clients by providing a convenient and practical knowledge base to use as an instruction manual during implementation processes. You can find them in our Commodity Knowledge Center as well as in our Agiboo YouTube Channel

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