Agiboo - 7 steps to becoming a successful CTRM software architect

There are a few essentials when it comes to interacting with software and applications, especially when it comes to work. In the end, we just need to fulfill our daily tasks as efficiently as possible, without any headaches. When we start realizing that, even though we trust a machine or a software to do for us the functions and tasks we want, in reality there are people with normal lives behind who write the code and build this software. So, what happens behind the pretty interface of the CTRM software we use?

The role of a software architect requires not only the proper experience for the job, but also the necessary communication skills and the love of working in a team. It’s when you combine the skills, building a strong CTRM software becomes easier to achieve. Our software architects have a unique problem-solving approach and follow their own plan for success. They see every workday as filled with interesting challenges that they are ready to overcome, to achieve increasingly better results compared to the day before. Which is why we’d love to share their 7 steps to becoming a successful CTRM software architect.

1. Every day is a school day: 
keep up with new technologies and software design approaches

You can update your agenda with the latest conferences and software development events, watch presentations in internet (YouTube) and follow online courses (for example Pluralsight). Learning new things daily is one of the keys to being successful!

2. Learn by reading code

Find open source projects you’re interested in and look at how the process towards any solution is broken into projects, how they implement design patterns and how they solve the various different issues. For example, take a look at .net core on github.


3. Learn by writing code

The only way to really learn something is by doing it. Maybe as a side project where you simply build something that you wish to have? It’s nice to have a project for trying out ideas, patterns, frameworks, etc. The best part about software development is that there’s always something new to explore, to use, to improve upon. 

4. Be able to communicate ideas to non-technical people

Be loyal to them and see them like your kids. Be ready for question like: “Why should we refactor it, when it is working just fine?” or “What is the business value?”

5. Lead by example

Leading by example is a style where you model the behavior you want to see in your team members as well. Make sure you set examples that your team can follow, so that they actually learn new things, ultimately improving upon the outcome in a ‘1+1=3’-scenario.

6. Software architects must always be aware of the end goal

Never take shortcuts if they violate your architecture, it will cost you a lot in the future.

7. Constantly improve your solution, but always in steps

Improve, but know where to stop, and where to take small(er) steps. If you refactor or migrate to new technologies, plan so that you can do it in multiple steps. The more changes your make, the higher the impact will be, especially if it’s a commercially live project.


CTRM software architect expert

Being a specialist requires hard work and time to learn, time to improve. Now that you have absorbed some tips from our software architects, try to combine your knowledge with CTRM applications with your experience in commodity trading industries. It will offer you a fresh perspective and knowledge of things that’ll turn you into a unique asset for any business. 

Strong CTRM software systems will remain powerful because there are people behind a “friendly to user”-interface writing all the complex code and setting the whole architecture that, in the end, allow us to support our primary goal of making the daily practices of commodity trading professionals more efficient. Would you like to know more?

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